Friday, November 15, 2013

Sensitive/The diet you MUST try

So, I'm reading my Facebook this morning, and not for the first time, I get a sense that someone is advocating that _everyone_ cut out something that made _them_ feel bad. Not a day goes by (except the rare day that I don't have any online time at all) that I don't see something similar. Everyone needs to eat low carb/vegetarian/paleo. Everyone needs to quit caffeine, quit smoking, take up a gentle exercise routine but don't overdo it. Everyone should be avoiding this med/that med/pain meds/all meds. Everyone should be taking this med, that med, this herb, that illegal substance, because it really helps.

I'm not knocking the help it gives the one person, but I am knocking the armchair physician-ing. I'm also knocking a one-size-fits-all approach to chronic pain that a lot of actual physicians have. Patients, over time, become most familiar with their own care. We elimination diet and figure out what foods we shouldn't and can't eat and what makes us feel better and worse. After more than a decade with a chronic pain syndrome, I've tried a lot of medications and therapies and I have an idea of what will work in the long term and what won't.

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is that I thing it's important to remember two things as someone living with chronic intractable pain:

1. No experience is unique. You are not alone, and whatever your body is doing, the answer to the question "does/is anyone else..." Is yes. Someone else is or had gone through the same thing. So skip that part and instead ask what you really want to ask. "What's a caffeine sensitive girl to do for that 2:00 feeling?"

2. Everyone's experience is individual. Don't judge. Don't assume that every user of a med/food will have your experience with that med/food. Some will, but many will have better success with a different combination of diet/exercise/meds than you. Sharing an experience is great, don't mistake me (oh, I also had an awful time on med y, ask your doc about med q, it was much better for me at least). But running roughshod over someone else's medical decisions and care is not OK.

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Yesterday started off well. It was my actual day off, as opposed to the previous two. Thursday I left work early to take care of a child-related emergency, and Friday I had to take off to try to take care of after school child care. That is taken care of in a haphazard, stopgap sense, but I need a longer term solution. I'll be trying to contact the area boys' and girls' clubs Tuesday, but I think the one in our town has closed, and who else takes teenagers after school?

Anyway, so yesterday, we did finally get a temporary solution/babysitter in place, and that solved, we took a road trip to Foley, AL, to eat at Lambert's and do some holiday shopping. We found some really cute things and didn't spend much, so it was a good day - until D found a replica sword he wanted, with birthday money he doesn't have yet. Total meltdown. Day over.

Then, when I got home... I'm trying to rehab my defaulted student loans at an amount I can pay, so I can do something at least. Got a letter last night basically rejecting all the evidence I had sent them, which was everything I had. They want bills... I'm paying bills that aren't in my name, do I need to have my SO draw up agreements, etc., that say I'm responsible for x share of utilities, car insurance, etc.? They're all in his name, but I pay some of them, so I don't know what submitting the actual bills to the department of education will do, but meanwhile, they're saying I need to pay an amount that's about 1/3 of my take-home (including child support) and just not possible.

I'm trying to catch up and do better, but it seems like no matter what I do, more stuff piles on. I need help, and Chris is very supportive, but there just doesn't seem to be help that doesn't require sacrificing the whole of the life I've tried to create. I'm very anxious and afraid all the time.

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Missing posts

I had been using Bloggeroid to create posts, but it has now lost several on phone and tablet that I cannot retrieve. So I do not think I will be continuing to use Bloggeroid. I don't like the Blogger interface, either, and it also gives me errors when I try to publish posts, but those are recoverable and there's a second step that will push them through.

My chromebook also does not get along with the web blogger interface. Time to migrate this blog? Or is there a better Android app for interfacing with blogger without all the errors and lost posts?

Friday, November 1, 2013

More book reviews

I just finished Allegiant, by Veronica Roth, yesterday. I've heard a lot of people say they were disappointed by the ending of the Divergent series or that they felt it was too much a rip-off of the last Hunger Games book. I felt, however, that Ms. Roth retained her own voice and story to the end and did a very good job with the book. My only major issue with the book, honestly, is that there is as lack of differentiation between the inner "voices" of Tris and Tobias-sometimes I'd have to pay careful attention or I'd lose track of whose chapter it was, then get a little confused by something because I'd think I was reading about the other one, then something would be said or done that would fox that impression. Otherwise, if you're into fast-paced, gripping teen reads, you could definitely do worse than the Divergent trilogy. Read it before the movie hits theaters this spring.

So today I started Raising my Rainbow, by Lori Duron. I'm about a fifth of the way through already. I'm trying not to judge, but I'm wincing a lot right now at some of the "compromises" they're making. I'm just getting to the part where, and I'm sure this is not much of a spoiler since if you want to read the book you'll do enough research to find this much out first anyway, the author starts her blog. I'm sure from the little bit I've read so far that the Durons are great parents who have only become more accepting over time. Also, Duron is a great name. It sounds like Klingon nobility. Seriously.

Oh, OK, so I'm doing my part to keep Orange is the New Black on the bestseller list, too. I'm not even sure what to say about that one, except forget everything you watched on Netflix and prepare for a real, intensely personal look at real women in the real federal prison system. Very worth your time. Also learn how to make prison cheesecake!

Happy November,