Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Two weeks

It's been a full two weeks, so I've had plenty to blog about and then either not made the time to blog or not been able to gather my thoughts to do it. I'll be better, I swear (fun fact: the Minions from Despicable Me singing "I Swear" is one of the personalized ringtones I use. Song-coding the people who are calling is the most brilliant invention since the telephone itself).

So, brief run-down (let me explain! ... No, there is too much. Let me sum up.):

* Dad was in hospital, sepsis, multiple surgeries, most of the time in ICU, but has somehow gotten to go home already

* D has gone on an emotional roller coaster culminating in suspension from school after a bus fight

* I've been trying to ease back into reading more. This week I read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. It's a decent piece of YA (older teen, some sexual content) lit, though the savvy adult reader may be able to predict most of the plot five or ten pages in. I'd recommend it to any teen looking for emotional stories or love stories as an intro to some of the tropes of the genre, anyway.

* I also read Joyland. Pick it up if you like ghost story mysteries.

* got sick. Had two bugs at once at one point.

* the rest is work stuff. More there later.

Good day, all!

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