Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Demon Cat

It has been said that dogs have owners while cats have staff. Our kitten Jellybean certainly seems to think so. We are her staff, her teddy bears, her scratching posts, and her hunting targets. Unfortunately, though she is a beautiful, wild thing, she is also a demon in feline form. Her favorite place to lie is on my keyboard. Among her favorite activities is simply attacking me. She full on runs up and starts biting and scratching my arms (occasionally, she also bites my legs and face, but it is my arms and hands that look like I have taken up some sort of self-injurious cutting behavior), drawing blood in multiple places. We use a water spray bottle, but it sometimes seems to increase rather than decrease the behavior. 

The thing is, she can be a loving, cuddly kitten. Right now, she is curled up against my leg, purring. She likes to sleep on Chris. Also, she's funny. She loves to tear at paper, and lettuce leaves (she eats the latter, not the former). She likes strings and things with bells. I'm just wondering - is the other behavior just her being a kitten, or is it over the top? I'm really bloodied up, and Chris is ready to rehome her because she attacks me so violently. But if it's behavior she'll outgrow with a little training, I'm more than willing to keep plugging away. 

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